
  • £65
    First Visit
    (Case History, Examination, Assessment & Treatment)
    Allow up to an hour
  • £45
    Subsequent Treatments
    Allow half an hour
  • £50
    Returning Patients
    (Over 3 years since last visit, or a new/different problem)
    Allow 45 minutes

For prices for Paediatric Osteopathy, Pilates, Mummy MOT and Menopause MOT please see individual pages.

We aim to offer the best possible service but still be excellent value – if you compare prices you will see that our fees are among the most reasonable in the area for all osteopaths, and similar practitioners such as chiropractors and private physiotherapists.

We are registered with most major private health companies including BUPA and AXA PPP, and with savings plans such as Simply Health.

Due to limited appointment slots our treatment sessions are payable in advance at time of booking to secure your slot.

Appointments can be cancelled or rescheduled up to 24 hours in advance without loss of fee. Regretfully missed appointments and changes on the day of the appointment are charged full fee. 

  • Caring
  • Effective
  • Professional
  • Treatment